
Variable Proportion PI Controller with Intelligent Sampling

  • 摘要: 针对过程控制领域中的大时滞控制对象,提出了一种智能采样变比例PI(proportional-integral)控制器. 通过智能采样环节来补偿被调过程的时滞特性,通过变比例PI控制器来加快调节过程. 利用RSLogix5000及Emulate 5000进行程序编制和仿真. 仿真结果表明,该智能采样变比例PI控制器超调量小,过渡时间短,同时抗干扰能力强.


    Abstract: A new variable proportion PI (proportional-integral) controller with intelligent sampling is proposed for the controlled objects with large time-delay in the process control field. It compensates the time-delay features of called procedure by intelligent sampling unit, and speeds up the adjustment process by variable proportion PI controller. Programming and simulation are carried out by RSlogix5000 and Emulate 5000 softwares. The simulation results show that the variable proportion PI controller with intelligent sampling is of slight overshoot, fast response and good anti-jamming.


