
Optimization of Temperature for Biodiesel Transesterification Processes Based on Optimal Control Approach

  • 摘要: 针对生物柴油酯交换间歇过程的工艺,提出了一种以固定反应时间内生物柴油产品浓度最大为目标,以非线性微分方程组和控制变量有界为约束条件的最优控制方案.建立了生物柴油的最优控制模型,基于最大值原理获得了原最优控制问题的伴随方程以及目标函数的梯度.给出了求解该最优控制问题的一种基于梯度的数值方法,并通过仿真研究表明了算法的可行性和有效性.


    Abstract: An optimal control scheme for biodiesel transesterification processes is proposed. The performance criterion of the optimal control problem is the concentration profits gained from biodiesel in a given time, which is subject to the nonlinear differential equations and boundary constraints of control variables. An optimal control model of biodiesel is presented. The adjoint equations of the optimal control problem and the gradient of the objective function are derived by using the maximum value principle. A gradient based numerical method is given for solving the optimal control problem and the simulation results illustrate the feasibility and the effectiveness of the proposed method.


