
A Semantic-content-based Twofold Authentication Watermarking Scheme for MPEG Video

  • 摘要: 首先阐述了视频认证水印方案设计需要考虑的基本问题.随后,在基于图像内容的边缘认证水印技术的基础上,进一步根据MPEG视频压缩原理,提出了对运动对象的局部认证概念;阐述了一种基于图像组语义内容(边缘和运动对象)的监视视频录像的双重认证方案.实验结果表明,该方案对于噪声干扰、滤波以及MPEG压缩具有良好的鲁棒性,但同时对于视频内容的恶意篡改不失敏感性,完全符合语义认证的要求.另外,除能检测出改动的图像组的位置,该方案还能够在一定程度上恢复改动前的基本视频内容.


    Abstract: Basic issues on the design of watermarking for authentication are discussed, and a "local authentication" concept based on MPEG motion estimation is proposed. Then, a new twofold authentication scheme based on semantic content is illustrated. Experimental results show that the method is robust to small noise and MPEG recompression, and can detect malicious video semantic content tamper such as face replacing that may be accepted by a common global authentication way. In addition, it can approximately recover the original visual information in the corrupted area to some extent.


