
Fast Consensus of Multi-Agent Systems Based on Local Information Feedback

  • 摘要: 针对一阶连续多智能体系统在有向网络下的快速一致性问题,提出了一种基于局部信息反馈的一致性协议.利用矩阵理论和时域分析方法,分别分析了在具有单增益和双增益调节的情况下系统的一致性和快速一致性问题.通过增大增益,系统能够快速收敛到一致,并且在同等收敛速度下,双增益调节比单增益调节所需要的增益损耗更少.仿真示例验证了所提出协议的有效性.


    Abstract: A consensus protocol based on local information feedback is proposed for the fast consensus problem of first-order, continuous, multi-agent systems under a directed network. The consensus and fast consensus problems of these systems with single or double gains are analyzed based on matrix theory and the time-domain analysis method, respectively. By increasing gain, this systems can converge to a common value rapidly. Furthermore, the gain cost needed for double gain systems is less than that of single gain system at the same convergence speed. Simulation results show the effectiveness of the proposed protocol.


