
Cooperative Combat Decision-making Research for Multi UAVs

  • 摘要: 针对多对多无人机之间的空战对抗,考虑对抗双方具有同等数量无人机的情况,利用影响图(ID)建立多无人机协同空战连续决策过程,使用贝叶斯推论对空战态势进行实时评估.根据评估结果,采用匈牙利算法完成目标的动态分配,将多无人机之间的对抗转化为动态的多个单架无人机之间的对抗,无人机在对抗中根据由双方态势所设计的决策规则进行机动决策.红蓝双方多无人机之间对抗仿真实验结果表明了所设计模型的有效性.


    Abstract: For air combat confrontations involving many-vs.-many unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), we consider a situation where each side in the engagement has the same number of UAVs and employ influence diagrams (ID) to establish a continuous decision-making process of a multi-UAVs cooperative air combat. We use Bayesian inference to evaluate the air combat situation in real time and use Hungarian algorithm to achieve the target attack assignment for UAVs dynamically. Therefore, the many-vs.-many cooperative air combat problem is transformed into a series of dynamic one-on-one air combat decision-making processes, where a UAV constantly evaluates the combat situation and maneuvers according to the designed decision-making rules. The simulation experimental results show that the designed air combat model is effective.


