
Crane Scheduling Method in Steelmaking-continuous Casting Process

  • 摘要: 炼钢-连铸生产过程中,生产设备的调度计划的编制上采用了人工估计的运输时间参数,而实际运输设备天车常常不能及时到位,使得编制好的生产设备调度计划不能被很好地执行,造成时间扰动频发,导致生产设备调度计划延误,甚至整炉钢水被迫报废.针对中国宝钢一炼钢厂的天车调度问题,建立了考虑生产设备调度计划约束的运输设备天车调度模型.设计了天车冲突解消策略,提出了启发式天车调度方法,采用模糊综合评价方法对天车调度结果进行评价分析,并开发了相应的调度软件系统.通过实际生产数据进行了工业验证.


    Abstract: In steelmaking-continuous casting production processes, cranes are often not in place on time, which may lead to delay in the implementation of the production equipment scheduling plan so that it becomes unrealizable. First, based on a steelmaking plant of Baosteel in China, we establish a crane scheduling model with constraints of production equipment scheduling plan. Second, we propose a heuristic algorithm to solve the crane interference problem, and we use the fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method to evaluate the results of crane scheduling plan. Finally, we develop a scheduling software system and verify the effectiveness of the proposed method by an industrial example.


