
Monocular Visual Odometry Algorithm Based on Point-line and Edge Features

  • 摘要: 针对快速运动的相机很容易因为运动模糊和纹理缺失而导致光流追踪失败的问题,设计了一种点、线、边缘特征结合的单目视觉里程计算法,突破原先算法仅包含点或线特征的思想.首先,在流行的半直接法PLSVO(Point-Line Semi-direct monocular Visual Odometry)算法上增加了边缘特征点提取,使算法提高定位精度,同时对低纹理和结构化环境具有鲁棒性.然后,利用关键帧提取策略提升算法的定位精度,同时加快地图点种子的收敛速度.最后,解决边缘特征点在算法中的图像对齐、图块特征点匹配、位姿优化和地图点优化问题.本文算法在EuRoC和TUM数据集上进行了估算.实验结果表明,本文算法的定位精度和稳健度都优于PLSVO算法.


    Abstract: To address the problem that fast-moving cameras can cause optical-flow tracking failures due to motion blurring and low-textured scenes, we design a monocular visual odometry algorithm based on points, lines, and edge features, whereas traditional algorithm contain only point or line features. First, we extend the popular semi-direct approach to monocular visual odometry known as point-line semi-direct monocular visual odometry (PLSVO) to include edge segments, thereby obtaining a more robust system capable of dealing with both low-textured and -structured environments. We use a keyframe extraction strategy to improve the localization accuracy of the algorithm and we use initialization optimization to speed up the convergence of the map points. Lastly, we optimize the pose and map points to solve four problems, i.e., image alignment of edge feature points, individual feature alignment, and pose and structure refinements. We thoroughly evaluate our method on the EuRoC and TUM datasets. The experimental results show that the proposed algorithm performs better than the PLSVO in terms of both tracking accuracy and robustness.


