
Average Consensus Tracking of Time-varying Reference Inputs for Multi-agent Systems with Communication Delay

  • 摘要: 本文研究了具有时变参考输入的多自主体系统在通信时延约束下的动态平均一致性跟踪问题,提出了一种比例—积分一致性跟踪算法.在固定强连通平衡拓扑结构下,借助于矩阵分析分别得到多自主体系统在通信数据未量化和量化时渐近收敛到参考输入平均值的充分条件.最后,通过数值仿真证明了理论结果的正确性.


    Abstract: We investigate the dynamic average-consensus tracking problem of multi-agent systems with time-varying reference inputs and communication delay, and propose a proportional-integral consensus tracking algorithm. Using a fixed, balanced, and strongly connected topology, and based on a matrix analysis, sufficient conditions are obtained for converging the multi-agent system to the average value of the time-varying reference inputs with and without quantized communication data, respectively. Numerical simulation results verify the accuracy of the theoretical results.


