
Framework for the Reconstruction and Localization of Radiological Areas Based on LVI-SAM in 3D Environments

  • 摘要: 核安全一直是核应用领域关注的焦点,利用携带核辐射探测传感器的移动机器人代替传统人工探测已经成为发展趋势。为了解决在未知3维环境下对于表面辐射源的定位与监测,通过使用携带激光雷达、相机、IMU (inertial measurement unit)和核辐射探测传感器的移动机器人代替人工进行辐射监测,本文提出了一种基于LVI-SAM (Lidar-Visual-Inertial odometry via Smoothing and Mapping)的自主辐射地图构建框架。该地图构建框架结合同时定位和地图构建(SLAM)技术和辐射探测技术,在LVI-SAM框架下利用激光雷达和视觉信息对环境进行3维重建,然后将3维点云降维投影构建环境栅格地图,之后利用辐射传感器和LVI-SAM坐标系的变换关系确定辐射源在场景中的位置,实现将辐射地图和3维环境地图进行融合,可以完成对放射区域在3维环境中的定位。最后,在ROS (robot operating system)中搭建仿真环境。实验结果验证了3维环境下表面辐射地图构建方法的有效性。


    Abstract: The field of nuclear applications has always prioritized nuclear safety. A contemporary development in this area is the use of mobile robots possessing nuclear radiation detection sensors, replacing traditional manual detection methods. We propose an autonomous radiation map construction framework based on Lidar-Visual-Inertial odometry via Smoothing and Mapping(LVI-SAM) to solve the problem of localizing and monitoring surface radiation sources in an unknown three-dimensional (3D) environment using mobile robots equipped with LiDAR, cameras, inertial measurement units, and radiation detection sensors instead of manual radiation monitoring. The map construction framework merges simultaneous localization and mapping technology with radiation detection technology. Moreover, the map construction framework uses LiDAR and visual information to recreate the environment in three dimensions under the LVI-SAM framework. Then, the framework builds a raster map of the environment by downscaling and projecting the 3D point cloud. The position of the radiation source in the scene is acquired by using radiation sensors and the changed relationship of the LVI-SAM coordinate system. This approach fuses the radiation map and the 3D environment map; consequently, it facilitates the localization of the radiation area in the 3D environment. The experimental results of establishing a simulation environment in a robot operating system validate the effectiveness of building surface radiation maps in a 3D environment.


