
Generalized Predictive PID Controller of Differential Pressure in Vertical Roller Mill for Cement-Raw Grinding

  • 摘要: 针对立磨粉磨系统的非线性、大滞后、慢时变问题,设计了广义预测PID控制器(GPC-PID).通过构造广义预测控制目标函数中的控制加权序列使广义预测控制具有PID控制算法的结构, 通过广义预测控制和PID的相互递推关系计算PID参数.仿真结果表明,广义预测PID控制能较好地稳定磨内压差,并且具有响应速度快、抗干扰性强、鲁棒性好等优点.


    Abstract: To solve the problems of nonlinearity, large time delay, and slow time-varying in the vertical roll mill grinding process, a generalized predictive proportional-integral-derivative controller (GPC-PID) is proposed, which shares the same structure with the traditional PID controller by constructing the weighted index of control in object function of GPC. The PID parameters are calculated based on the recursive relationship between the GPC and the PID algorithm. The simulation results show that the GPC-PID controller can stabilize the differential pressure well, and has the characteristics of fast response, high anti-interference and robustness.


