
Fault-tolerant Paralleling Active Power Filter

  • 摘要: 提出了一种容错并联型有源电力滤波器(APF),给出其结构和运行模式.分析了逆变器某相故障时,逆变器的容错结构即三相四开关型逆变器及其工作原理. 提出了稳定直流侧电压的方法,并且提出了有源电力滤波器由正常工作状态转到故障状态的控制策略. 仿真结果表明容错并联型有源电力滤波器在正常工作状态和故障状态都能较好的抑制谐波,直流侧电压保持稳定,系统可靠性高.


    Abstract: A fault-tolerant paralleling active power filter (APF) is proposed. Its structure and running models are given. The fault structure of the inverter based on three-phase four-switch structure and work principle when the inverter of APF has faults in some phase is analyzed. The method to stabilize the DC-link voltage is proposed. The control strategy for APF working on both normal state and fault state is proposed. The simulation results show that harmonic currents are suppressed by the fault-tolerant paralleling APF whether working on normal states or fault states, and the DC-link voltage stay stable and the system has high reliability.


