
Incentive Contracts in Virtual Enterprise under Information Asymmetry

  • 摘要: 根据虚拟企业以项目为组织模式的特点,考虑盟主和盟员形成委托代理关系,当盟员真实能力类型和努力程度信息均为其私有信息而不为盟主所共知时,盟主如何甄别盟员真实能力信息并对其努力实施有效激励.针对这一问题,提出了逆向选择和道德风险并存下基于完工期的合同设计过程.分别给出混合策略和分离策略下的合同,并对这两类合约的有效性以及特征做了相关分析.结果表明,盟主在逆向选择和道德风险下根据盟员类型的不同提供的分离合约与现实中反映出的情况比较吻合.


    Abstract: In view of the virtual enterprises' project organization forms and considering the principal agent relationship between the owner and the partner, a key problem is studied that how the owner can screen the true information of the partner's capability type and can provide an effective incentive to make them work harder, when the partners' capability and service efforts are both of their private information. To solve the above problem, a time-based contract design process is developed under adverse selection and moral hazard. The pooling and separating contract are derived respectively. The effectiveness of these two types of contracts as well as characterizations are analyzed. The results show that the separating contracts, which the owner provides to different types of partners under adverse selection and moral hazard, are consistent with the reality.


