
Sliding Mode Control for Robotic Manipulators Based on the Improved Reaching Law

  • 摘要: 在传统滑模变结构的基础上对双幂次趋近律进行了改进,提出了一种新的改进的双幂次趋近律,在双幂次趋近律的基础上增加了自适应项,通过调整γk的值有效提高了趋近速度并削弱了抖振.最后将该方法用于仿真机械手轨迹跟踪.与双幂次趋近律控制算法的对比实验结果表明,该控制算法动态性能良好,能够较快速地跟踪给定的期望轨迹且抖振小,有效地提高了机械手性能.


    Abstract: The dual power reaching law is improved in the traditional sliding mode variable structure,and a new and improved dual power reaching law is proposed. The adaptive items are added based on the dual power reaching law,the values of γ and k are adjusted to effectively improve the approaching speed,and chattering is weakened. Finally,the method is used to simulate the anthropomorphic finger's trajectory tracking. An experiment comparing the dual power reaching law control algorithm and the proposed algorithm is completed,and the experiment shows that the proposed algorithm has good dynamic performance,can track the desired trajectory faster,and exhibits less chattering. The proposed algorithm effectively improves the performance of the anthropomorphic finger.


