
Model of Product Servitization Supply Chain Collaboration Based on Multi-Agent System for Semantic Web Services

  • 摘要: 为了实现产品服务化供应链企业间的共赢,提高供应链的整体竞争力,分析了产品服务化供应链协同过程,并通过多代理系统封装协同过程中的不同角色,采用OWL-S对协同过程中的web服务进行语义标注,建立了产品服务化供应链协同模型.最后,通过实例说明了该模型的应用过程.该模型不仅能够实现产品服务化供应链协同过程中的web服务的自动查找、调用、组合和监控,也为供应链企业间的信息共享和业务协同奠定了基础.


    Abstract: In order to improve product servitization supply chain enterprises and the overall competitiveness of the supply chain,the process of product servitization supply chain collaboration is analyzed. The different roles in the collaborative process are encapsulated by means of a multi-agent system. The web services in the collaborative process are semantically marked using OWL-S,and a model of the product servitization supply chain collaboration is established. Finally,a specific case is used to illustrate the application of the model. The model can not only achieve the automatic search,call,combination and monitoring of web services in product servitization supply chain collaboration,but also can lay the foundation for information sharing and business collaboration among supply chain enterprises.


