
Status Evaluation of Copper Removal in Zinc Solution Purification Based on Feature Weighted FSVM

  • 摘要: 针对除铜过程影响工况的因素复杂、工况波动大等问题,提出了一种基于特征加权模糊支持向量机的工况评估方法.本文采用模糊隶属度对各个样本赋予不同的权值,对离群样本点与有效样本进行区分.根据信息增益计算各样本特征的权重,改进模糊支持向量机的核函数,进而构建基于特征权重的模糊支持向量机,实现除铜过程工况评估.分别利用标准实验数据集和现场数据进行测试,对比不同方法的分类精度,结果证明了本文工况评估方法的有效性和准确性.


    Abstract: In view of the complex state-related factors and fluctuations in the copper removal process,a status evaluation method based on feature-weighted fuzzy support vector machine(FSVM) is proposed. The fuzzy membership is used to define different weights for each sample,which can distinguish outliers from representative samples. The sample feature weights are calculated by information gain,improving the FSVM kernel function. The fuzzy SVM based on feature weights is then constructed for the status evaluation of copper removal. Using standard data sets and industrial data,the classification accuracies of different methods are compared,demonstrating the validity and accuracy of the proposed method.


