
Delay-dependent HControl for Generalized Time-delay System

  • 摘要: 研究了广义时滞系统的时滞相关型H控制问题.利用一个新构造的增广—离散化李亚普诺夫泛函并结合自由权矩阵方法,给出了使得系统正则、无脉冲、稳定且具有给定H性能界的时滞相关型有界实引理(BRL).在所得BRL基础上,得到了系统H状态反馈控制律的一个直接的设计方法.所给结果均以严格线性矩阵不等式(LMI)表示.数值实例表明了结果的有效性和较小保守性.


    Abstract: The problem of delay-dependent H control for generalized time-delay systems is investigated.By using a new constructed augmented-discretized Lyapunov functional and free-weighting matrix approach,a delay-dependent bounded real lemma(BRL) is presented to ensure the systems be regular,impulse free and stable with a prescribed H norm-bound.Based on the obtained BRL,a direct design method for H state feedback control law of the system is given.All obtained results are formulated in terms of strict linear matrix inequality(LMI).Numerical examples demonstrate that the proposed methods are effective and less conservative.


