
The Use and Formation of a Data Base of Special Symbols for Engineering Drawing

  • 摘要: 本文概述了用专门的造字符软件SYGEN交互式地建立“绘图专用字符库”(包括汉字)的方法.文中着重论述了如何对国外引进的软件SYGEN,在建库的设计思想,提高字符的存取速度,减少内、外存空间的占有等方面进行的改造,从而,用此方法能够简单而快速地建立使用方便、易于更新的绘图专用字符库.


    Abstract: In this paper,how to use the software package SYGEN to build interactively a data base of special symbols including Chinese characters for engineering drawingis presented.And the emphasis is laid on the modification of the TEKTRONIX software SYGEN with the view of facilitating data base formation,while raising its access speed and saving the core and disk space.Therefore,we canbuild and update the data base with ease.


