The R-2-3-4 Algorithm and its Application in Image Recognition
摘要: 概论一个图象识别系统的核心部分是预加工和特征提取.先滤掉干扰,然后提取图象特征.因此,系统必须处理某一特定灰度下的二值矩阵,以便提取特征.“R2-3-4”算法的过程采用简单的逻辑结构划分矩阵,对曲边区域进行边缘跟踪,把各区域的外边缘置2,内边缘置4,区域内部置3,来提取特征,然后进行子块拼接.Abstract: The R-2-3-4 algorithm introduced in this paper is simple in logic.It can follow the contour of the curved region in the two-value matrices in order to extract certain features.The main function of the algorithm is to plot the region contour on the x-y plotter and display certain parameters,such as perimeter and area,quickly.