
Computer Aided Recognition and Diagnosis of Electrocardiography

  • 摘要: 本文叙述国产SDJ-1计算机心电自动分析程序.12导联共能识别408项心电参数,可诊断心律匀齐异常心电图64项.根据电-机械仿真原理设计了心电补偿电路以减少机测与目测之间的偏差;同时增加了测量心电各波面积和斜率以及电轴计算等程序以提取更多的心电信息;另外还编制了心电软件模型供调试程序之用.经过测试表明,心电分析程序可提高心电诊断效率,已能满足临床的实际要求.


    Abstract: The proposed automatic ECG analysis software,executed in SDJ-1 computer,recognizes 34 ECG parameters of each of 12 leads,and gives 64 different diagnosis of abnormal ECG findings in the regular rhythms.A compensation circuit is specially designed to reduce the difference between computer and human doctor diagnosis Programs for ECG wave slope and area measurements are also incorporated to acquire more ECG information.A software model of ECG is proposed for ECG analysis program verification.Test run results show that the software functions well and is good for clinical diagnosis.


