Generalized Least-Square Parameter Estimator For Linear Systems and Its Application in Dynamie Test of Power Boiler
摘要: 本文采用广义最小二乘法的限定记忆递推算法设计在线的线性系统参数估计器,讨论了参数估计器的使用的几个问题,并用此估计器得到了20万瓩发电锅炉的主汽压力——调节门开度系统的动态模型.Abstract: This paper perseats the designing precedure of on-line linear parameter estimator by the use of definite-length memory recursive algorithm. Several problems of application are discussed. As an example, a dynamic model has been establisbed, with this on-line parameter estimator, of the main steam pressure regulation in a 200000 KW power boiler.