
Temperature Control by SCR Self-Exited Pulse Width Control

  • 摘要: 本文所讨论的温度控制系统有三个特点:(1)详细讨论了自激脉冲调宽的工作原理,这种设计简化了线路,对于提高控温精度起到了关键性的作用;(2)温差测量,变换和放大元件组合一起构成温度—电压变换式自激交流放大器,线路十分简单,温漂小、稳定性好,抗干扰性强,温度测量和变换灵敏度高;(3)采用可控硅作交流开关,并采用了过零触发,因此,对电磁设备干扰小,这是相移触发无法比拟的.


    Abstract: The temperature control system to be discussed in this paper are characterized by three features:(1) Simplifeid circuitry resulting from the self-exited width eontrol principle, leading to the improvement in accuracy of temperature control;(2) Better temperature drift stability and greater sensitivity of temperature measurement and conversion due to theintegral unit composed of temperature differential measurement,conversion, and amplification components;and (3) Little interference with environmental electromagnetic equipment as a result of the employment of SCR AC Switching and zero-crossing trigger technique, which is an advantage over phasing trigger.


