
LQGSP—A CAD Software Package for the LQG Systems

  • 摘要: 在对线性定常系统的LQG问题分析的基础上,我们研制了用于CAD的软件包—LQGSP.本文介绍了LQGSP的组成、功能和主要子程序.提出了用试探法来确定D.L.Kleinman迭代法中P0,从P0开始进行迭代计算.得到解Riccati代数方程的一种新方法,试探—迭代法.目前,LQGSP已被应用于实际工程问题,收到显著的效果.


    Abstract: A CAD software package,LQGSP,has been developed,by analysis of the LQG problem.The structure,functions and the subroutines of the package are presented.A New trial and iterative method is proposed to solve the algebraic Riccati equation.Atrial method is given to determine P0 in the D.L.Kleinman's iterative method.And the iterative process starts with P0.LQGSP has been used to solve engineering problem effectively.


