
Software of Identification and Optimization of Multi-input-Multi-output Discrete-Time Systems

  • 摘要: 对任何多输入—多输出离散时间系统,如果其输入—输出关系可用引言中所定义的第二类差分方程来描述,那么只要按照本文的要求做出试验数据,就可以使用这个软件算出此模型的阶数和参数,并求出稳态情况下的卡尔曼滤波增益矩阵、最优反馈系数矩阵和在线校正输入设定值需要用到的系数矩阵,同时以数字模拟的方法对所建立的数学模型进行校验(包括输入—输出数据拟合和状态反馈控制模拟等).特别是对有时滞的线性定常随机系统,应用这个软件,也不难建立实现最优反馈控制的数学模型.在本文中,除了介绍软件的功能和粗框图外,还说明了软件的使用方法及其有关约定,并给出实时控制的计算公式和框图,同时还简单介绍应用这个软件成功地解决了一个工业生产过程控制问题的实例.


    Abstract: With any multivariable discrete system of which the relationship between inputand output may be described by the second type difference equation defined in thispaper,software may well be used to estimate orders and parameters of the modeland set up gain matrix of Kalman filter under steady-state,optimal feedback coef-ficient matrix and coefficient matrix to be used in correction for the input value setting.The mathematical model obtained might be verified through digital simulation.Even in case of linear time-invariant stochastic systems having time delay the sof-tware is helpful nonetheless to establish a mathematical model for optimal feedbackcontrol.The paper describes the software function,the block diagrams,and the me-thods in use about the software and some related conventions.Formulae and blockdiagrams for real-time control are also provided.An example is included to showthe software helps us to solve an engineering problem satisfactorily.


