
IDENT-A Computer Aided Program for the Identification of Linear Systems

  • 摘要: 本文介绍一套用于线性系统传递函数辨识的程序块—IDENT块,它是控制系统计算机辅助设计软件包中的一个重要组成部分,本程序块可以处理现场记录的三种不同数据:①由频率特性测试仪或其它频谱分析仪所获得的频率特性数据;②由相关分析仪获得的脉冲响应数据;③由记录仪获得的输入输出信号随时间变化的数据,因此适用范围较广,不仅可用于离线辨识,而且可用于在线辨识.另外,为满足辅助设计软件包后续程序块—仿真程序块等设计程序块的需要,IDENT块可以提供两种形式的模型:传递函数或脉冲传递函数.本文对程序块中的四个主要子程序—数字积分程序、曲线拟合程序、最小二乘程序及双线性变换程序作了介绍,并给出了应用该程序块对一个电液伺服系统进行辨识的实例.


    Abstract: A software package for computer aided design of control systems consists of sixprograms:management,identification,model analysis and transformation,controllerdesign,simulation and I/O systems.In this paper the identification program IDENT is described which has beendeveloped by Department of Automation at Qinghua University and Dalian Sea Tran-sportation Institute.This program can process three kinds of data from frequency response analyzer,correlation analyzer,and multitrace recorder,frequency response data,impulse res-ponse data and I/O response data respectively.And the IDENT program offers two kinds of models—continuous transfer function G(s) and discrete transfer function H(z).Conversion between the two functionsmay be made through binary linear transform.Some typical examples are included to illustrate the effectiveness of the program.Finally the paper also shows how to use the program in the identification of an elec-trohydraulic servomechanism.


