
An Introduction to SCTI,a Control System Computer Aided Design Software Package

  • 摘要: 本文介绍了SCTI控制系统计算机辅助设计软件系统.这一软件系统具有多种系统分析和设计的功能,尤其适用于工程实际中最为常见的单输入-单输出线性定常系统,这个软件系统所采用的算法都经过仔细选择,稳定性好,在一般的微型机上即可运行,而且使用十分方便,最后给出了一个利用该软件包进行实际设计的例子.


    Abstract: This paper describes SCTI,a computer aided control system design software package.This package can perform a number of functions in the system alaysis and synthesis.And it is quite suitable for the design of the single-input-single-output linearSystems with constant coefficients.The algorithms used in the package have been carefully seleted to ensure stability.This package is very easy to use and can be runon ordinary microcomputers.An example is given to illustrate how the package hasbeen used in practical design.


