
A CCD-Microcomputer Based Image Data Processing System

  • 摘要: 本文主要介绍用于图象数据处理的CCD-微机系统.该系统使用电荷耦合器件(CCD)作为传感器,并与微型计算机连接,进行图象数据的采集和处理.系统还包括有光学系统、CCD驱动控制线路、计算机I/O接口和应用软件.数据采集程序用汇编语言编写,数据处理和打印程序用BASIC语言编写,整个软件用BASIC语言编写的程序管理.应用该系统曾对静止和运动物体尺寸进行过非接触测量,重复性很好.


    Abstract: An image data processing system based on CCD and microcomputer is presentedhere.In this system,CCD (Charge-Coupled-Device) is used as the sensor and con-nected to microcomputer for data acquisition and processing.The system is consisted ofoptical subsystem,CCD-driving circuit,and computer I/O interface.Application sof-teware is also included.While data acquisition program is written in assembler,theprograms for data processing and printing are in BASIC.The monitor is in BASICtoo.This system can be used for measuring the size of static and/or moving object.


