
Stability Criterions for a Class of Switched Linear Systems

  • 摘要: 研究了子系统中系统矩阵为对角标准型或者Jordan标准型的切换线性系统的稳定性.用状态方程的解来分析系统能量函数(状态向量的2范数)的单调性,得到系统在任意切换序列下渐近稳定的充分条件.另外,根据这些条件可以比较容易地设计出渐近稳定的切换序列.最后通过一个数值例子来说明所得到结论的效果.


    Abstract: Stability problem of a class of switched linear systems is studied,of which the subsystem matrices are in diagonal canonical or Jordan canonical forms.Monotonicity of the system energy function(the 2-norm of state vector) is analyzed with the solutions of state equation.Sufficient conditions of the asymptotical stability in any switching sequence are obtained for this class of systems.Furthermore,the switching sequence,which makes the switched linear systems asymptotically stable,can be designed easily with these conditions.A numerical example is provided to illustrate the effectiveness of the obtained results.


