
Application of Intelligent Decoupling Control Method for Top Pressure of Blast Furnace

  • 摘要: 首先根据高炉炉顶压力系统的机理建立了高炉炉顶压力和高炉煤气余压透平发电装置(blast furnacetop gas recovery turbine unit,以下简称TRT)前压力的动态数学模型,然后针对高炉炉顶压力系统具有强耦合、强扰动和严重非线性的特点,提出一种融合PID控制,模糊控制和专家控制的解耦方法、用于消除顶压和TRT前压力的耦合,解决环缝和静叶开度与流量的非线性问题.在某钢铁公司2200 m3高炉的应用表明,高炉炉顶压力波动可减少到±;2 kPa以内,提出的控制方法具有很好的控制效果.


    Abstract: A dynamic mathematical model of top pressure and the pressure before blast furnace(BF) top gas recovery tur-bine unit(TRT) is firstly designed in this paper based on the principle of blast furnace top pressure system.Then considering the features of strong coupling,disturbance and nonlinearity of the blast furnace top system,a decoupling method combining PID control,fuzzy control and expert control is proposed,which can remove the coupling of top pressure and the pressure before TRT,and can also solve nonlinear problems about opening and flow rate of annular gap and static blade.When this decoupling control method is applied to a 2200 m3 blast furnace in a steel corporation,it is proved effective to control the fluctuation of the top pressure of blast furnace within ±2 kPa.


