
Xie-Nie's Stability Criterion

  • 摘要: 谢绪恺、聂义勇判据的1,2比国外学者的同类发现4要早得多.由于历史原因,这判据过去未曾宣扬.81年本刊上的简要介绍3曾引起了我国广大读者的重视和兴趣.现在,应读者要求,再作一次较详细的介绍.谢聂判据,简单地说,就是:(A)给多项式式a0xn+a1xn-1+…+ana0+a1+…+anxnai>0,i=0,1,2,…n)定义一判定系数αi=ai-|a|+2/aiai+1,(B)多项式所表征的系统的稳定性由这判定系数ai判定,稳定的必要条件是ai<1,充分条件是ai<0.4655.


    Abstract: Xie Xukai(Hsieh Hsük'ai) and Nie Yiyong (Nieh Yiyung) Criterion had been proposed much earlier than the similar ones in foreign countries.But it was unknown to the public owing to some historical reasons.A brief mention of that in this journal last year(Vol.10,No.1,1981) has aroused great interest and attention among readers in China.On their request,a more detailed exposition of the criterion is given


