Dynamic Cost Analysis Based on Artificial Neural Network
摘要: 建立了一个神经网络成本分析模型,采用模糊聚类算法自动确定网络隐含层节点数,并将成本因素分析算法编制成软件,用于分析影响成本的技术经济指标变动趋势.在对影响某钢铁公司选矿厂综合铁精矿成本因素分析的应用中,取得了较好的效果.Abstract: This paper proposes a neural network model, adopts fuzzy clustering algorithm to determine network hidden layer nodes, and compiles cost analysis algorithm into software, to analyze change trend of the tech-economic indices for the influence of cost. This model is applied to the compositive iron concentrate cost factor analysis of an ore concentration plant, and better effect is obtained.