The Design of Fuzzy Slide-mode Controller for Machine Tool Axis with Nonlinearity
摘要: 本文针对数控系统轴控制中存在的非线性问题,从变结构理论的角度,应用边界层滑动控制理论设计了一个模糊滑动控制器.滑动控制具有不依赖控制对象的精确数学模型的特性,适用于很多非线性控制问题.另外,应用滑动控制理论也保证了所设计的模糊控制器的稳定性.仿真结果表明可以较好地解决反向间隙等非线性的控制问题.Abstract: Aiming at the nonlinearity of machine tool axis, this paper presents the methodology of fuzzy slide-mode controller based on slide-mode control theory in the viewpoint of VSS. As the result of independence on the exact model of controlled plant, the slide-mode controller is suitable for solving nonlinear problems, and can guarantee the stability of controller. The results of simulation on backlash verify the effect iveness of this methodology.