
Design and Development of an OLAP System for Automobile Distribution

  • 摘要: 针对汽车行业营销业务复杂、数据量大的特点,提出一种基于联机分析处理(on line analytical processing,OLAP)的应用方案,给出系统的体系结构,并构建了汽车行业常用营销分析模型,开发出具有跨平台、开放性和自定义功能的汽车行业营销OLAP系统.该系统支持多种主流数据库和常用数据模型,并提供多种数据展现方式,为哈飞汽车销售公司的销售及售后数据分析处理提供了技术支撑,从而为企业深入把握市场动态,制定合理的营销策略提供科学的决策依据.


    Abstract: An online analytical processing(OLAP) based solution is proposed to cope with the complexity and mass data of automobile marketing business.The automobile marketing OLAP system structure and the marketing models are given.Then a cross-platform,open and customized OLAP system is developed based on them.This OLAP system can support most of the popular databases and data models,and provide multiform data presentation.It can(offer) powerful technical support to Hafei Motor Sales Company for sales and after-sales data analysis,which can provide a scientific foundation to help explore the dynamic market deeply,and make reasonable decisions.


