
Constraint Satisfaction-based Method for Steelmaking-Continuous Casting Production Scheduling Problem

  • 摘要: 针对各阶段均有并行机的炼钢-连铸生产调度问题,建立了问题的约束满足模型.通过分析炼钢-连铸调度问题特点,将其归结为最小化操作开工时间偏移的调度问题.在求解过程中,首先用变量选择和值选择启发式方法构造时间可行的初始调度,然后应用冲突检查算法检测资源冲突,基于回跳的后向修剪组合算法修复冲突,直至得到一个一致性的最终解.数据实验表明本文提出的方法是有效的.


    Abstract: A constraint satisfaction model is established for steelmaking-continuous casting production scheduling problem with parallel machines in each processing stage.By analyzing the characteristics of the problem,we reduce it to a problem of minimizing the operation's starting time deviation.In the solving process,the temporal feasible initial schedule is constructed firstly by using variable selection and value selection heuristic,then the resource conflicts are checked by conflict checking algorithm and are repaired by backward pruning combinational algorithm until a consis-tent final solution is achieved.The validity of the proposed constraint satisfaction-based method is demonstrated by the data experiment.


