
A Method of Extracting Pattern Recognition Rules Based on Multiple Precision Fuzzy Partition

  • 摘要: 对于具有多模糊特征变量的分类问题,提出一种自动提取适当的模糊模式识别规则集的方法.首先通过多精度划分模糊空间产生多个模糊规则表,然后采用人工免疫原理的克隆选择算法,得出一个优化的模糊分类规则集用于模式识别.实验表明该方法所提取的规则集规则数目少、分类正确率较高.


    Abstract: A method is proposed to extract an appropriate fuzzy rule set automatically for classification problems that have several fuzzy eigenvariables.Multiple fuzzy rule tables are generated firstly by multiple precision partition of fuzzy space,and then an optimized set of fuzzy rules for pattern recognition can be obtained by the clone selection algorithm according to the principle of artificial immunology.Experiment shows that the rule set selected with this method has less rules,and higher ratio of correct classification.


