
A Novel Algorithm for Signal Parameter Estimation in Chaotic Noise

  • 摘要: 提出了基于神经网络预测器的参数估计算法,该算法将神经网络拟合非线性函数的能力和功率谱分析技术相结合.文中介绍了相空间重建技术和神经网络的原理,对于神经网络预测模型,给出了所提算法的原理和步骤,针对具体应用问题,用计算机仿真实验验证了该算法提取混沌噪声中信号参数的有效性,给出了实验结果和必要的分析.


    Abstract: This paper presents a neural network based parameter estimation method to solve the problem of parameter estimation of useful signals in chaotic noise. This algorithm combines the ability of neural network approximating any nonlinear function and the spectral analysis technique together. The phase space reconstruction technique is introduced, and the principle and steps of the proposed algorithm are given out. Principle analysis and simulation experiment results of the proposed algorithm in actual application are also given out, which show the effectiveness of the algorithm for parameter estimation.


