
On the Real-time Performance of CAN Data Transfer and Its Applications

  • 摘要: 设计了一个新的基于时分的主从式和基于优先级的分布式信息调度子系统来处理周期性和猝发性的数据传输,解决CAN现场总线在网络带宽利用率高时,数据传输的实时性和确定性存在的问题,以及不同优先级的信息帧不能同等地共享总线带宽的问题.这种方法参考了数据通信中的时分原理,并考虑到CAN基本协议的特点.在网络带宽利用率达到83%时,保证了信息的实时传送.这种方法已经应用在实际的陶瓷辊道窑监控系统中,它的有效性得到了证实.


    Abstract: A new centralized communication scheduling subsystem based on time division multiplexing (TDM) and a distributed communication scheduling subsystem based on priority to deal with periodic and sporadic data transmission respectively is presented in this paper. The system solves the problem of real-time and determinacy of data transmission and the problem that the data frames with different priorities cannot share the bandwidth equally when the utility of controller area network (CAN) fieldbus is high. This method combines the TDM principle in communication and the bottom protocols properties of CAN. In the case of up to 83% utility of network bandwidth, the real-time transmission of data is ensured. It has been applied and verified in a practical roller kiln monitor and control system.


