
Study of Colour Boundary Problem in Textile Pattern Distinguishment

  • 摘要: 在纺织多色(色阶数大于2)图样的识别中,不管采用何种分色原理,都存在所谓色边界问题,使获取的图样信息产生严重的轮廓失真.本文讨论造成色边界混乱的光电过程,由图样的色阶集合得到过渡色源和过渡色处理项,给出一个过渡色信息的捕获和处理模型.该模型经长时间运行证明效果良好,为多色图样识别中的色边界问题提供了一种可靠实用的处理方法.


    Abstract: In the process of multi-colour(more than 2 colours) textile pattern distinguishment,whatever distinguishing principle is available now to us,is liable to face the problem ofcolour boundary confusion—a result of serious pattern outline or profile distortion frominformation obtained.In this paper the photo-electric process has been traced thatbrings about this problem.Also,the sourcing of transition colours has been explcredand hence the pertinent corrective term reached,thus,leading to a model of transitioncolour information acquisition and pocessing.This model has been used for a longtime on trial basis,and has proved to be a reliable and pratical method for the solution to colour boundary problem。


