Robustness with a Class of Reduced-Order State Observers Based Control Systems
摘要: 本文对一类带降维状态观测器的线性控制系统的鲁棒性进行了分析,把文献〔1〕的结论推广至一类带降维状态观测器的控制系统.给出了观测器极点的配置方法,并通过一个简例说明:在配置降维状态观测器的极点时,必须综合考虑系统快速性(及噪声抑制)和鲁棒性的要求.Abstract: The robustness with a class of reduced-order state observers based control systems Is discussed in this paper.The results of〔1〕are extended to a class of reduced-roder case.A scheme of pole-assignment of the reduced-order observers is proposed.Anexample and simulation results are given.It turns out that when the pole-assignment of a reduced-order observer is carried out,the fast response (and the noise restriction)and the robustness of the system must be considered simultaneously.