Continuous System Simulation Language CSSL-F2
摘要: CSSL-F2是一种不依赖于具体计算机、完全用FORTRAN语言写成的连续系统数字仿真语言.该语言是作者根据美国仿真委员会(SCi)为连续系统仿真语言规定的标准和要求2独立设计而成的.CSSL-F2语言由两部分组成.第一部分是翻译系统,它把输入仿真程序转换成FORTRAN程序,第二部分是运行管理系统,保证程序的正常运行.CSSL-F2语言语句简单、适应性强、便于学习和使用.本文介绍了CSSL-F2语言的特点和使用方法,并对语言设计中的某些重要问题的处理作了较详细的阐述.Abstract: CSSL-F2(Continuous System Simulaion Language in FORTRAN,Version 2)is a machine-independent language written entirely in FORTRAN for continuous system simulation.The language has becn developed by authors on their own in accordance with the standard recommended by SCi(USA).It has been designed specifically for the purpose of digital simulation in the field of control engineering.The CSSL-F2 comprises two parts.The first part is a translator which translates input simulation program into FORTRAN.The second part is a running system including a main program and 30 subroutines that makes the simulation program work properly.The CSSL-F2 is an extremely flexible and powerful simulation tool.It is easy to use even for beginners.This paper introduces instructions for users and some charateristics of the CSSL-F2.And some-important problems in developing the CSSL-F2 are expounded.