
聂义勇, 宋翔, 苏丽杰, 于军, 苑明哲

聂义勇, 宋翔, 苏丽杰, 于军, 苑明哲. 良性隐式枚举与近隐式枚举[J]. 信息与控制, 2005, 34(3): 296-302.
引用本文: 聂义勇, 宋翔, 苏丽杰, 于军, 苑明哲. 良性隐式枚举与近隐式枚举[J]. 信息与控制, 2005, 34(3): 296-302.
NIE Yi-yong, SONG Xiang, SU Li-jie, YU Jun, YUAN Ming-zhe. Well-implied and Near-implicit Enumerations[J]. INFORMATION AND CONTROL, 2005, 34(3): 296-302.
Citation: NIE Yi-yong, SONG Xiang, SU Li-jie, YU Jun, YUAN Ming-zhe. Well-implied and Near-implicit Enumerations[J]. INFORMATION AND CONTROL, 2005, 34(3): 296-302.



    聂义勇(1939- ),男,研究员,博士生导师.研究领域为应用数学及计算机辅助工程.
    宋翔(1976- ),女,博士.研究领域为应用数学及计算机辅助工程.
    苏丽杰(1974- ),女,博士研究生.研究领域为应用数学及计算机辅助工程.

  • 中图分类号: TP301

Well-implied and Near-implicit Enumerations

  • 摘要: 对数学规划中的枚举法进行了有效的分类:良性隐式枚举与病态隐式枚举.考察这两类隐式枚举的本质差别.给出良性隐式枚举的判别条件.根据不完全枚举的概率收敛性,提出近隐式枚举的概念.例举了几种典型的良性隐式枚举法和近隐式枚举法.文末指出良性隐式枚举及近隐式枚举的发展方向.
    Abstract: In this paper, the implicit enumeration methods for mathematical programming are effectively classified: well-implied and ill-imp lied enumerations. Essential difference between the two kinds of implicit enumeration methods is investigated. The judgment on well-implied enumeration method is given. According to probabilistic convergence of incomplete enumeration, the concept of near-implicit enumeration is proposed. Several typical well-implied enumeration methods and near-implicit enumeration methods are illustrated. In the end, the trend of developing well-implied and near-implicit enumerations is concluded.
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  • 收稿日期:  2005-03-29
  • 发布日期:  2005-06-19


