
Auto-Disturbances-Rejection Controller Design of Aircraft Pitch Movement

  • 摘要: 提出了利用自抗扰控制器在大包线范围内设计飞机俯仰运动控制器的新方法.利用二阶自抗扰控制器补偿系统模型扰动和外扰,实现了纵向运动俯仰角变量的跟踪控制.自抗扰控制器直接依据飞机的非线性模型,符合飞机动力学模型摄动大的特点,在很大的包线范围内不需要改变控制器的结构和参数,简化了飞行控制律的设计过程.大包线范围内的仿真结果表明,系统具有良好的动态和稳态性能,控制器具有很强的鲁棒性,为解决大包线范围内的飞行控制问题提供了一种有效的新途径.


    Abstract: Using auto-disturbances-rejection controller(ADRC),a new scheme is proposed to design controller for aircraft pitch movement in big flight envelope.The new scheme realizes the tracking control of flight pitch angle by applying second order ADRC to compensate model disturbances and uncertainty.Based on the nonlinear model of aircraft,ADRC is specially suitable for aircraft dynamic model that exists big disturbances.Furthermore,without changing the structure and parameters of controller in big flight envelope,this scheme can simplify the design of flight control system.The simulation results in big flight envelope show that the system achieves high dynamic performance,steady state performance and robust performance.The design using ADRC brings a new effective method to solve the problem of flight control in big flight envelope.


