Process Trends Analysis Based on Wavelet-domain Hidden Markov Tree Model
摘要: 提出了一种基于在线异常趋势的识别方法,该方法用到了所有的尺度系数和部分经过选择的大值小波系数来构造隐马尔可夫树,并且给出了一种选则大值小波系数的方法.实验结果表明该方法对过程趋势有很好的识别效果,在线应用时检测异常趋势所需时间也较少.Abstract: A novel method using wavelet-domain hidden Markov tree (HMT) model for on-line detection of abnormal process trends is presented in this paper where all scale coefficients and several selected large wavelet coefficients are taken into account. The way how to select the large wavelet coe fficients is also introduced. The experiments prove that the new method can reduce the ambiguities of identification and decreases the time spending on detecting abnormal process trends.