
Performance Analysis of Business Instance Based on Active Pattern Equivalent Model

  • 摘要: 首先提出了活跃变迁的概念,并给出了其在资源竞争条件下的性能等价模型.随后提出了活跃模式的概念,并且深入分析了4种基本活跃模式的时间性能.最后用一个例子演示了业务实例实时时间性能的分析过程,并讨论了构造高效的业务实例性能分析算法的途径.


    Abstract: Firstly, the concept of active transition is proposed and its performance equivalent model is put forward under resource-constrained circumstances. Then, the concept of active pattern is proposed and time performances of four basic active patterns are analyzed thoroughly. Finally, an example is given to illustrate the process of real-time time performance analysis for business process instance, and the method to build efficient performance analysis algorithm for business process instance is discussed.


