
A Power Transistor Based Speed Control System

  • 摘要: 采用大功率晶体管开关作为中小功率变换装置驱动交、直电动机,可以获得优良的控制性能.为进一步节省电能,提高输出转矩,对交流电动机来说,应该采用正弦电流源的控制形式.本文较详细地介绍了在电动机绕组这类感性负载中,利用大功率晶体管开关产生正弦电流源的原理以及本系统的主要环节.


    Abstract: When medium and small power convertors of power transistors are used to drive AC and DC motors,it is possible to have good control performance.In order to savemore energy and increase torque output,the control strategy of sine-wave currentsource should be used for the AC motors.In this paper,the principle for generating sine-wave current by power transistorswith inductive load such as motor windings is described in detail.The main components of this system are described too.


