
Microcomputer Library Circulation Managemet System Design

  • 摘要: 本文简单介绍了在MC-68000微型机上设计的图书流通管理系统WD-TLX.该系统的主要特点是采用了新型的数据结构和数据压缩技术,将所需存储容量降低到同类系统的三分之一,解决了微型机存储容量不够的问题,使MC-68000微型机用于象武汉大学图书馆这样的大型图书馆的图书流通管理成为可能.系统的第二个特点是在没有汉字设备的条件下,通过软件设计实现了用汉字打印输出各种统计表格,增加了系统的实用性.


    Abstract: This paper introduces briefly the Library Circulation Management System WD-TLX designed for microcomputer MC-68000.The system's main characteristic is the use of new data structure and data compression techniques.The storage capacity thus required is reduced to one third of those which are required by similar systems.Thus problem that microcomputer does not hold enough storage capacity has been solved.It becomes possible that microcomputer MC-68000 can be used in the automatic library circulation management of large-scale libraries such as the Library of Wuhan University.Another characteristic is that,without any chinese character equipment,various statistical tables can be printed out in chinese characters by designed program.Thus the system is more practicable.


