
DEADS——A Useful System for Data Encryption and Decryption

  • 摘要: 本文介绍了一个数据加密和解密体制DEADS.DEADS采用了新的“伪等长随机密钥”方法,较之传统的方法有明显的优点.DEADS适用于IBM—PC及所有与8086兼容的机器,可做为计算机网络、通讯保密和软件保护的一个有用工具.


    Abstract: In this paper,a data encryption and decryption system-DEADS is presented.In DEADS,a new technique called "pseudo-equal-length random key" which has some obvious advantages over traditional encryption techniques is used.DEADS may operateon IBM-PC and all machines compatible with CPU 8086.There fore,it is a powerfultool for computer network,communication security and software protection.


