
A Minimum-variance Self-tuning Controller with Tracking Property

  • 摘要: 本文提出一种具有跟踪特性的最小方差自校正控制算法.用本算法设计的控制系统,可以得到优于用其他最优算法设计的系统所能得到的跟踪特性,同时又保持了对噪声的最小方差控制能力.此算法适用于任何稳定/非稳定,最小相位/非最小相位系统,也可以认为它是文(7)中算法的发展,而具有比文(7)中算法更易于设计和更优的跟踪和调节特性.


    Abstract: This paper proposes a minimum-variance self-tuning control algorithm withtracking property.Closed-loop systems designed with this algorithm can get a better tracking property than that designed with other optimal algorithms,and atthe same time,retaines the minimum-variance control ability to noises.The algorithm can be applied to any stable/unstable minimum-phase/nonminimum-phasesystems.It may be regarded also as a development of the algorithm of (7).Thisalgorithm in comparison with the algorithm of (7) is quite easier to design andhas better tracking and regulating characteristics.


