
Delay Analysis and Scheduling Method for Aircraft Ground Deicing Operation

  • 摘要: 基于可拓理论对影响飞机地面除冰延误的影响因素进行了分析研究,基于分析结果设计出飞机地面除冰运行决策算法(HPFS&MD),构建了资源受限条件下大型枢纽机场飞机除冰地面运行多Agent模型,利用北京首都国际机场实际航班数据对上述算法进行了仿真实验验证.结果表明,将本文设计的HPFS&MD算法应用于大型枢纽机场的飞机地面除冰运行调度中,在飞机除冰总延迟时间、飞机延迟数量以及飞机延误率这三个指标上均优于传统的先来先服务(FCFS)策略,且HPFS&MD算法存兼顾不同驻场航空公司飞机除冰过程公平性的基础上,对多机型、不同除冰状态以及大量航班调度过程的表现也明显好于FCFS.


    Abstract: The influence factors which cause the aircraft ground deicing delay are analyzed based on the extension theory. The high priority first service and decision-making(HPFS&DM) algorithm for aircraft ground deicing operation is proposed. An aircraft deicing ground operation multi-agent model for large hinge civil airport under the condition of limited deicing resource is established.Beijing capital international airport actual flight data is used in simulation to verify the validity of the proposed aircraft deicing scheduling model and algorithm.The simulation result shows that the proposed HPFS&DM algorithm for aircraft ground deicing scheduling outperforms the traditional first come first service(FCFS) scheduling scheme on aspects of total deicing delay time,total number of delayed aircraft and the rate of aircraft delay.And the scheduling process is better than FCFS algorithm under the circumstances of multi-type of aircraft,different deicing states and large amount of flights with consideration of the deicing resource distribution fairness among different airlines.


