Recent Research and Development on Fuzzy System Identification
摘要: 为了实现理想的模糊控制,基于对象的模糊系统辨识研究具有非常重要的理论与实际应用价值.本文主要从模糊系统结构辨识和参数辨识两方面讨论了近年来在该领域的一些研究内容和方法,分析了它们的主要优缺点并探讨了这一研究领域目前存在的问题和研究趋势.Abstract: The research of fuzzy system identification is very important for achieving satisfactory performance of fuzzy control in both theory and application aspects. The paper mainly discusses the recent research contents and methods of fuzzy structure and parameter identification. Based on the discussion, some problems of fuzzy modeling methods are also summarized and the research trend is proposed.