
Status and Prospect of Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm

  • 摘要: 本文首先简要地介绍蚁群优化算法的来源、对应的生物原理和算法实现的框架.然后详细地讨论了算法的研究现状以及在各种优化问题中的应用情况,同时也指出了蚁群优化算法在当前应用中的一些不足.针对这些不足提出了解决方法,描述了几种蚁群优化算法的修正策略.最后对蚁群优化算法下一步的研究方向进行了展望.


    Abstract: In this paper, ACO algorithm is reviewed by and large. Firstly, the corresponding principle of biont and the implementing framework for ACO algorithm are introduced simply. Then, the actual research status of ACO algorithm is discussed in detail. The applications of ACO algorithm in all kinds of optimization problems are analyzed thoroughly. Some deficiencies of ACO algorithm in practical applications are also presented. Combining solution methods for those deficiencies, several correctional strategies for ACO algorithm are described. Finally, research directions of ACO algorithm in the future are proposed.


